Re-Connecting & Restoring Your Family’s Resiliency!
thru holistic health, movement arts & CPTG essential oils
Empowering Families with struggling children to re-connect & thrive after trauma or divorce through group Guided Somatic Movement classes, Integrative Polarity Health & CPTG Essential Oils, helping them to…
Resolve unexpressed loss, trauma and/or emotions without re-living the trauma/experiences
Renew their families’ connections with self & each other; Mind, Body, Emotions & Spirit and
Restore Resiliency; health, energy and confidence
So your Family can fully enjoy life again, Together!
Our Services
Guided Somatic Movement
CPTG Essential Oils
Integrative Polarity
Individual/Family Wellness Consultations

Dawn J. Lonowski
Dawn has a passion for bringing hope, health and happiness to as many families as possible!
Join our R&R Family Tribe
This program is for you if….
Your child is extremely sensitive, unable to cope with normal daily activities, easily fatigued, withdrawn/not present
Intense emotional outbursts a part of your normal day
It feels like you have tried everything ie. doctors, counseling, parenting classes etc. to help your child and you still feel hopeless with how to help
The challenges with your child are putting major stress and strain on all your relationships especially your family system
You want to strengthen and enjoy deeper connections and communication in all your relationships with simple skills and tools that you can easily incorporate into your life and family system